Window painting has been shown to grab more attention and to attract more customers than traditional signage or vinyl...making your advertising dollar go further. 

Thousands of potential customers may drive by your business daily. Brightly painted, unique window signage attracts them to your business! Whether it's a festive holiday scene, BOLD lettering to announce a product or sale, or a creative colourful design to celebrate an upcoming event, painted windows will help your business stand out from the crowd - generating more sales for YOU.

  1.  Offers a lower cost than most other types of advertising, and can be even more effective. Window painting costs approx. 80% less than television commercials, 60% less than newspaper ads, and 50% less than radio ads.

  2. Draws attention because of the bright bold colours and creative graphics. It meets your customers at their point of purchase - your store!

  3.  Has constant exposure.   You take full advantage of the free, 24/7 billboards you already have - your own windows!

  4.  Helps customers locate you better especially when your business is tucked away or surrounded by other businesses.  

  5.  Increases product awareness, which also increases your sales and profits...isn't that what every business needs?

  6.  Generates a feeling of festivity and goodwill, increasing your customers' perception of your company as fun, friendly, creative and successful.

  7. Is Customized especially for you - your window painting is both original and consistent with the branding of your company.

Who uses window painting?

    •    Businesses with low visibility or slow customer traffic

    •    New Businesses, ie: Grand Openings to attract new customers

    •    Restaurants & Sports Bars

    •    Banks

    •    Car Dealerships

    •    Boutiques and Specialty Stores

    •    Doctor & Dentist offices, Community Centres

    •    MLA offices

    •    ...And basically anyone who wants to stand out from their competition!
